"Therefore we do not lose heart, though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day." 2 Corinthians 4:16 (NIV)
I have roses growing in my garden and I get excited when I see a new rose bud on my rose bush. It all begins with a small bud that does not even have any color and then it develops into a full blooming flower in just a few days. Then, it will eventually begin to wither and eventually it will die. That is really no different from the seasons in our own human lives. We were just babies once, like those buds on the plant and slowly we begin to bloom and when we are in the fullest of the blooming process, the petals are wide open and the fragrance from the center is sweet and pleasant. But the times comes when the entire process will end. That is like the life span of a person. Eventually our bodies will begin to ache and we have little groans and pains. But what is exciting is that the Spirit inside us continues to bloom and grow and never wilts or fades. No matter how old we get, we continue to grow rich in the Lord and continue to be a sweet fragrance to God. Everyday, though my physical self gets older, the more I read God's Word everyday, I get more and more refreshed in my spirit. I read everyday and I learn more about God and how to live my life and live it to the fullest for Him. As I write this, I see my wilting rose on the table but I know it is nothing like my spirit for I am charged and being renewed daily by reading His Word and coming to Him in prayer everyday for repentance and filling.