Monday, September 7, 2009

Spirit of Fear

"For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship. And by him we cry, "Abba, Father." Romans 8:15 (NIV)

This was an amazing scripture that I got today in my daily devotions because in my ministry time yesterday, our teaching topic was on “Fear”. How amazing that emotion is. Just as God made the flowers above, there are some flowers that appear fresh and beautiful and others seem weak and wilting. The difference in the two flowers is like people – one is blooming as God intended due to their trust and faith in God and the other is wilting because they are under the opression of FEAR. We can either accept a lie that the enemy has given us or we can choose to release it and trust in God.
Yesterday I saw three women set free from “fear” in our ministry time and it was huge. I was so excited about what happened and it blew me away as how to the Holy Spirit brought up the fear in the lives of God's precious women and how each one began to repent, renounce and break the fear that was over them. God is so good and showing them that the enemy was stealing their peace by having the "Spirit of Fear" – sucking the life out of them. When we feel fear we need to realize it is not a Fruit of the Spirit but it is coming directly from the enemy. That is his weapon to steal, kill and destroy the peace in our lives!
Question: Are you experiencing fear in your life? Begin to release that fear in your life by asking the Holy Spirit to show you a lie that you believe, then ask God to forgive you for not trusting Him and ask that "Spirit of Fear" to be released in your life. God wants to set you free from fear today!

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