Sunday, February 6, 2011

Ending a 21-Day Daniel Fast

Today is the ending of our 21-Day fast. What can I expect? What do I do now after I have been on a Daniel fast for 21 days? I found some helpful suggestions.  Let us consider these things:

Many men and women will complete their 21-day Daniel Fast over the weekend. And so I wanted to post some advice about ending your fast. Even if you are not concluding your fast, please keep this information in mind. It is important.
  • Ease back into your “typical diet.” This is especially true with caffeine, sugar, fatty foods, meat and dairy products. Small portions are wise and go slow, perhaps just one or two foods per day.
  • For caffeine beverages, drink one small cup or glass and then see how your body reacts. Don’t be surprised if you get the “jitters.” Consider starting with de-caf (I realize that’s almost criminal for those of us who love the java). 
  • Don’t be surprised if you feel tired after you start eating the “typical foods.” Your body has been detoxed over the 21-day Daniel Fast and it might scoff at what it has to digest!
  • Continue to drink lots of filtered water, at least 1/2 gallon a day.
Also, consider the lessons you’ve learned and the good habits you’ve adopted on the Daniel Fast. Don’t leave them behind, but let them become a regular part of your life. This includes your prayer and study time with the Lord as well as improved eating habits.
Finally, while you may always fast at the New Year, consider fasting at other times of the year. Many parents pray and then fast from dawn to dusk on their children’s birthdays. If you have pressing issues or circumstances facing you, consider a time of consecrated prayer and fasting. Last year I fasted during Pentecost seeking the Lord’s direction for some personal business matters. 
It has been a fruitful time in the past 21-days. There are many stories that I have heard of kairos moments and divine interventions. Although you are no longer on the fast, you can still keep pressing into this deeper relationship with God. Congratulations to you all that were on this journey with us.
Questions: If you fasted, what have you learned? Are there any new habits you have formed that you will be keeping?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Over my fast God has taught me discipline. I go to an amazing church and im spoon-fed amazing word regularity, which is great but God said "stop acting like a child and feed yourself as well. Dig in your Bible, ask questions and find answers"... I've been able to find so much more from my Bible then ever before. The last 3 weeks have been amazing.
I can defiantly understand the verse "blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness" a lot better now that I've literally hungered for 3 weeks.
Now that tomorrow my literal hunger will be quenched i know that my hunger for His Word will only grow more.