Saturday, March 8, 2008

Surefooted as a Deer

"The Sovereign Lord is my strength! he makes me as surefooted as a deer, able to tread upon the heights." Habakkuk 3:19
Recently, I traveled to Tucson, Arizona and visited the International Wildlife Museum. As I walked from exhibit to exhibit, I entered the main exhibit area. There in the center of the floor, there was a man-made mountain that went up to the ceiling. There were large rocks and boulders that were on all sides. Perched upon the ledges and rocks were mountain goats. I was amazed and stood in awe. I focused on their feet and how they were able to keep their balance in those high places. These superb animals had the keen ability to moved around in this rocky and barren place. As I focused more on what abilities God had given them, the scripture came to my mind from Habakkuk. I had remembered reading the book, "Hinds Feet on High Places" and how that analogy refers to us. I thought about what those high places were like and they were rocky, barren and difficult to maneuver. Then I realized that those tough and difficult circumstances that we may face in our lives, God will help us get through them, just as He has provided those steady feet on the mountain goats! God may not take away the challenges, but He will provide for us the way to get around those dangerous and tough rocky places. If we just lean on the Lord as our strength, He will make you "surefooted" in all rocky places.
Question: Reflect upon a time when the Lord gave you the feet of a deer to get through those rocky places? Did the Lord give you the strength that you needed? Share with one person today, your rocky mountain experience and the Lord made you surefooted.

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